Friday, July 31, 2009

Dear Grant and Julie,

I love you both. I miss you both. I know moving and life sometimes sucks (J). I know that meetings and bugs sometimes suck (G). But today has been really, really hard. Atleast, starting at 11:50. I just have one question after these photos.....

Yes, that is what you think it is. Mark greeted us from his nap with no diaper.
My one question: Does this mean that my day was shittier than your day?
P.S. Think we might have to throw away his crib and get a new one.


  1. At least he had the decency to put a smiley face over his genitals before you took the picture.

  2. thanks, atleast I did!

    My mom said, "it took me a while to see why you were so mad. Then I saw the brown paint. Paint isn't that bad. Then I realized what it was"
    Love ya ma!


Oh, you love me too?
Or do you love to hate me?