Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Welcome Home Dear Julie!

Dear Julie,
We missed you every hour. REALLY! We are so excited, we want your first day to be nicer than normal. So the kids cleaned their rooms

(hi Julie!You can guess how bad this room looked before they cleaned up)

We tidied the living room (AKA, put all the books back on the shelf)

(Mark is the blur. Man, is he faster and bigger. He had a growth spurt, and over night he was even heavy to me)

We even cleaned the table from the previous 5 meals.
(Alex can't wait to have you be here! zoom in, see the big smiles!)

I've even pulled out some breakfast to celebrate.
Hmmm...butery you eat butter now? I don't want to be the first to tempt you with it if you've been eating clean vegan on the trip.
So, Dear Julie, we love you enough to clean the house at the end of a very long week, and keep the kids up from bed to do it. While I edited, had the laptop shut down, pluged the lap top in, the started this up....the kids got ready for bed. They are in bed, but I can still hear them.
Which means another late morning. I bet we'll just be getting out of bed to great you!
All this is just our way of saying: WE LOVE YOU, WE NEED YOU STILL!!!


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Oh, you love me too?
Or do you love to hate me?