Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dear Blair Catalog Clothes

Dear Blair,

I hate you. I still remember the booklet catalog from my childhood. You came in the mail, an insert with the grocery adds. The models were so old looking! And the clothes, yuck! They covered up too much, where was the youth?

My mom ordered from them all the time. I can still see the red "Capri" pants, elastic banded, wide legged. She had several different colors.

They still make them.

And as I look for a replacement for my favorite Cotton dress, I turned to Blair. It still exists. And now I'm old enough that the models look my age. But they are so skinny! And now my body is one that Blair would flatter. They don't make small clothes, so for that, I love you Blair.

I love the swimsuit with the long skirt and high neck line. I can't wait to wear you!

I love the cotton dresses. I love how long they are, so I can lay down in church. I love how the arm and necklines are so flattering. No need for undershirts here!!!

So Blair, I'm sorry. Please forgive me for past years of hate. I'm so sorry.
I love you.


PS, since I appologized, can you rush my shipment? I'm tired of wearing a sports bra and mens shorts in the Physical Therapy pool

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Oh, you love me too?
Or do you love to hate me?