Friday, June 5, 2009

Dear Julie,

Dear Julie,
Thanks for making me feel comfortable with Fuck You. It feels great to say it. Too great. I said it too much in my other blog. And we are both fucked for the photos you took of me looking "thoughtful". I just got a call from my inlaws, who got a call from their aunt, who called their cousin, asking what was being done about me being suicidal.
For once someone knew i was suicidal before I did! Wait, I'm still waiting to feel that....hmmm...not there!
Because of the photos, with my anger doctor writing, it was proof enough that I was going to kill myself.
Oh, Julie, you almost lost your job over this, because they asked if someone needed to take the kids to help us, that they could do it for the summer.
I said, nah, we have Julie! Phew, you have a job!
So no more sad photos.
Only naked photos, cause those are always happy!
(Mom, i will stop cursing when God ends his curse on me)

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Oh, you love me too?
Or do you love to hate me?